Alum DeVore Ledridge, who came to IMTA with Images Model & Talent Agency in Lexington, KY, currently stars as Amelia Duckworth on Disney’s “Bizaardvark,” now in its first season. The show centers around two 13 year-old up-and-coming musicians, Paige and Frankie, who write and perform comedic songs about their everyday lives. Ledridge, a finalist for the LA13 Young Miss Model of the Year, previously appeared on the series “Clique Wars.”
Alum Jeremy Sumpter recently filmed the PixL family movie Sisters of the Groom, together with Malese Jow, Savannah Davis and Annie Tedesco. The movie is currently in postproduction with a late 2016 anticipated airing. Sumpter stars in the recently released feature Billionaire Ransom, a thriller that follows a group of rebellious rich kids at a tough-love wilderness who must grow up and learn to survive when the camp is invaded by mercenaries who hold the group hostage. Sumpter next will film The Unbroken with Booboo Stewart. Set in the Arizona Territory in 1863, a loner goes up against a gang of outlaws led by his father in order to save his mail-order bride.